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  • United Nations Association of Greater Boston


justice & civic

Sponsor: Richard Golob


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Mission: The United Nations Association of Greater Boston (UNAGB) is dedicated to building a strong multigenerational network of global citizens in the Boston area. We educate, inspire, and engage members of the community on critical global issues central to the work and mission of the United Nations.

Impact Model:


After two years of dynamic world events, UNAGB’s commitment to strengthen local support for human rights, rule of law, multilateral diplomacy, and the UN is even more vital.


We are committed to empowering a multigenerational network of global citizens.


We have made bold commitments for the equitable growth of our in-person youth programs.

We have invested in the development of a one-of-a-kind local resource, the SDG Action Corner.


Participants in our programs will develop measurable improvement in the following key skill areas:

  • Leadership
  • Global Awareness
  • Capacity for Local Action



We envision a greater Boston where people of all ages engage as global citizens in working towards a more sustainable, just, and peaceful future.

Current Status and Project Goals: UNAGB is launching an ambitious three-year strategic plan to accomplish the following goals:

  • Enhance support for the next generation of global citizens by teaching youth leadership skills to K-12 and university students though our Model UN programs and conferences;
  • Energize the SDG Action Corner in order to increase local visibility and action towards SDG-aligned initiatives;
  • Create and communicate a cohesive framework for impact measurement of UNAGB programs in order to track, learn from, and refine a proof of concept for future UNAGB growth.

Skills and Assistance Needed:

  • Fundraising Insight & Advice 
    • Who? Individuals familiar with Community, Family, Corporate, and Donor-Advised Funds, and with PR, communications, and/or marketing experience. Contact: Caitlin Moore, Executive Director,

  • K-12 School Leaders & Social Studies Teachers
    • Who? Social Studies teachers or school administrators in grades 6, 7, or 8 who might consider piloting UNAGB’s curriculum units (aligned to Massachusetts history and social studies standards). Contact: Emma Belza, Education Director,
  • Institute in Global Leadership Participants
    • Who? Parents and grandparents who might be interested in sending their children (grandchildren) to UNAGB’s Summer Institute in Global Leadership. Contact: Emma Belza, Education Director,
  • SDG-Aligned Speakers
    • Who? Professors, business leaders, non-profit practitioners, and UN employees and former UN employees who would be engaging speakers on one of the SDGs. Contact: Alex Bostian, Community Outreach Director,
  • University Site Partners 
    • Who? Professors and senior administrators (current or emeritus) at colleges and universities that might consider being host locations for UNAGB’s youth programs. Contact: Emma Belza, Education Director,
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