Loneliness, social isolation and lack of social engagement are serious public health problems. People seek happiness, a sense of community with others, and a life that matters. Many life transitions such as becoming a caregiver or retiring can make it difficult to see how one matters, to find happiness, or to avoid losing connections with others. Research suggests that tools exist to help people recognize the degree of their loneliness as well as how to address it by promoting healthy relationships and friendships and joining in activities that strengthen a sense of fulfillment.
To provide perspectives on developing strategies to stay engaged throughout adulthood, ClassACT HR73 will present a forum on Aging, Loneliness, and Isolation. The distinguished panel will include Dr. Laura Carstensen, Professor of Psychology and the Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor in Public Policy Director at the Stanford Center on Longevity; Dr. Robert J. Waldinger ’73, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and author of the best-selling The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness; and Dr. Prentiss Taylor ’73, a primary care physician practicing at Advocate Health Care in Metro Chicago. Dr. Vivian Lewis ’73, Professor Emerita and former Vice Provost at the University of Rochester Medical Center, will moderate the discussion.
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