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Bridging to classmate-sponsored not-for-profits

One goal of ClassACT is to connect classmates who agree to sponsor a not-for-profit organization with which they have significant involvement, with other classmates who have interest, time, skills, or other resources that can meaningfully contribute to the sponsored organization's success. The emphasis is on facilitating personal involvement in activities that go beyond limited conversations.

Criteria for  projects are listed below. Classmates interested in submitting a project should email  A board member will respond to you promptly. 


Non-profits which meet the criteria listed below will be posted to the ClassACT website, following review by the ClassACT Board.

  1. The non-profit must have a clear connection to a member of the class, who agrees to serve as the project Sponsor and to manage the project within the following guidelines.
  2. Each Sponsor will be connected with a member of the ClassACT board, who will serve as liaison / advisor for the project.
  3. The Sponsor is responsible for:
    • Providing a clear description of the organization and the classmate’s involvement for inclusion on the ClassACT website (Pictures for our website and Bulletins are helpful.)

    • Articulating the key areas of need, for which he or she is seeking assistance from classmates, to be included on the website (Any “ask” or request for assistance, needs to be clearly defined.)

    • Managing any contacts in response to the posting, e.g., timely responsiveness to classmate offers of assistance

    • Keeping the Board liaison apprised of activity and, where needed,  providing brief written summaries of the project successes and the value / impact of the classmate connections.

  4. In preparation for a project “launch,” the Board may invite a ClassACT Bridge Project Sponsor to present his or her organization and needs to the ClassACT Board during a conference call.
  5. Projects may be reviewed by the ClassACT Board when appropriate to determine the viability of the project-ClassACT association.

One-on-one Bridge opportunities 

  • A related goal of ClassACT and of the Bridging program is to connect classmates who find value in conversations that do not fall within a well-defined project framework. For example, this Bridging may be one classmate connecting two or more other classmates who have shared interests and needs. A Bridge might be a conversation between classmates to share helpful experience, insight, and advice. It might be a classmate-to-classmate referral or help in developing a network connection.
  •  To demonstrate the value of the ClassACT it would be helpful to report brief updates with the Board and to post them to the website.

Please note

  • ClassACT is not a fund-raising organization and the website is not intended solely for solicitation of funds. Nonetheless, ClassACT supports classmates making financial contributions to sponsored organizations, if this is their preferred mechanism for offering support. (Individual classmates certainly may volunteer to help a requesting Sponsor / organization with fundraising.)
  • If a Sponsor desires a classmate’s on-site help, payment of travel expenses may be necessary, and can be worked out between classmates with the Board's help if needed.
  • Many activities have political overtones; so, Bridge Projects may not be truly apolitical.  To the extent possible, however, activities should not be so controversial that the controversy overshadows the project and becomes the story rather than the project itself.
  • It is desirable but not required that the project build positive relationships with Harvard University and the greater Harvard community.
  • The Board may limit the posting of projects that it feels are detrimental to ClassACT’s purposes.

HR73 Class ACT

Submit your project

Send us an email with the following:

 project description, including location

 your involvement

 website link if available

 how we might be able to help

Send us your project

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